Buying Triggers 🧠 Why We Buy

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🤔 Did you know...

Offering free ground beef for life *feels like* a profit destroyer.

Tell that to ButcherBox: a meat-delivery service worth $500,000,000+.

(AKA a number I said “holy sh*t” to when I looked it up for this issue.)

Why would they offer something so irresistible but so crazy?

(And how is it likely driving their profits instead of wrecking them?)

Keep reading to find out.

Read time: 3.4 minutes ⚡

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You’ll also get game-changing insights about these Loyalists—from what makes them repeatedly hit the “Buy now” button to their favorite way to hear from you—so you can drive more repeat purchases.

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Imagine this…

You just brought your newborn home from the hospital—a baby girl with the squishiest face in the world.

She’s your first kid, and you spent months preparing for her arrival.

From debating which diaper bag and stuffed animals to get (the answer: all of them) to investing in a crib and changing table, you swear you single-handedly helped Pottery Barn Kids meet their annual sales goal.

You even retired your skinny jeans for a pair of distressed mom jeans. *flips hair*

You think you’ve got everything covered. Finally.

But 2 restless nights later, as you’re trying to adapt to a life of no sleep, you bolt upright in bed, panic-stricken.

Suddenly, you realize there’s 1 thing you still need to buy…

Something that never seemed important until now…

A will.

So after triple-checking the nanny cam to make sure your baby is (miraculously) sound asleep, you snatch your phone off your nightstand.

Then you start Googling for an online service that can prepare a will for you ASAP.

What makes buying a will a top priority when it never was before?

In today’s edition of Why We Buy 🧠 we’ll explore Buying Triggers—why we buy something we normally wouldn’t when a specific trigger event happens.

Let’s get into it.


🧠 The Psychology of Buying Triggers

A trigger event is a moment that moves your buyer from being oblivious that they even have a problem to being in the market for a solution.

Trigger events can be:

  • Situational (e.g., becoming a new parent, getting engaged, having a dishwasher break, or starting a new job)
  • Biological (e.g., being cold, hungry, or tired)
  • Emotional (e.g., feeling insecure, sad, or jealous)
  • Social (e.g. having a dispute with a coworker or getting a recommendation from a friend)

The Fresh Start Effect is a psychological phenomenon that serves as the foundation of many of these triggers.

We view events like new seasons, relationships, and fiscal quarters as a chance to “wipe the slate clean.”

As a result, we’re ultra-motivated to buy new wardrobes, get in shape, or hit sales targets.

But whether it’s a stomach growling or a new year (or both), when you know your best-fit buyers’ unique trigger events, you can:

🤑 How to Apply This

Ok. So how can you apply this to sell more stuff?

Leverage the Fresh Start Effect

Don’t launch your new product, announce a partnership, or run a promo on a random Wednesday.

Look at your calendar, identify relevant dates, and tap into the buying trigger of fresh starts to make your marketing campaign more effective.

Lulus tapped into the trigger event of the new season (fall) to showcase their partnership *and* drive demand for their new fall clothing options.

And even if you’re *not* selling sweater dresses and knee-high boots?

Today is the first day of Q4, and buyers are looking for ways to finish out the year strong.

This means you’re in a prime opportunity to leverage that to sell more stuff.


Why do your most loyal customers *still* abandon their carts?

Uncover the answer by grabbing our free report that reveals your top shoppers’ data profiles so you stop losing out on sales.

(Bonus: Tap into your inner Loyalist and enter for a chance to win a gift box of products you’ll love.)

Gift box value: $400

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Subscription-based products​
Create trigger events

When your buyer is in the most-aware stage (they know what you sell and want it), the key to moving them to the “Buy now” button is giving them a good reason to.

To customize your box, you have to give ButcherBox your email, then select what meat you want, how much you want, and how often you want it.

(Side note: This is a brilliant example of the IKEA Effect.)

Even if you click off the page, they know you’re interested.

So they send you a crazy-good reason to buy (e.g., free ground beef for life), use anchoring to showcase what a good deal it is (“$192* annual value”), and top it off with good ol’ FOMO (“It’s your last chance”).


Email marketing​
Find your buyers' top triggers

When you determine *when* a customer is most likely to buy from you, you’ve won half the battle.

Easyplant knows most people don’t spontaneously decide to buy a bunch of self-watering plants.

Instead, their customers are typically driven to get plants after a big home renovation or when they begin travelling more and being away from home for extended periods.

Easyplant tapped into *both* trigger events to craft an ultra-effective email that will speak directly to their best-fit buyers.
​P.S. We don’t mean to brag, but we used one of our Fast-as-F*ck Research Methods and came up with these *exact* triggers (+ 1 more)…in just 10 minutes.

Wanna find out *your* best-fit buyers’ trigger events—FAST—so you can make more sales?

​> Click here to join the PAINKILLER waitlist now​

đź’Ą The Short of It

Bad news: If you’re trying to sell to people who haven’t experienced a trigger event, they’re likely to keep on scrolling.

Good news: When you learn your customers’ trigger events, you can tailor your messaging to grab their attention and get in front of them before your competitors do.

That’s the beauty of working smarter, not harder.

Until next time, happy selling!

With ❤️ from Katelyn and Jordyn​

P.S. Wanna *really* get inside your buyer’s head?

There are a few ways we can help:

  • Grab your Wallet-Opening Words playbook and make tiny copy tweaks that drive BIG bucks.
  • Fix your messaging. Join the waitlist for our new PAINKILLER messaging workshop to get first dibs.
  • Apply to sponsor Why We Buy 🧠 (booking for late November 2024)

Daniel Duque used 1 science-backed copywriting technique when he wrote this 5-star review for Wallet-Opening Words.

Do you know what it is? Hit reply to share your guess.

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